Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for October 1, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Last month we distributed nearly 100 copies of the book entitled 33 Days of Morning Glory by Father Michael Gaitley, MIC.  And several years ago we distributed over 1,000 copies of the same book.  So there are many parishioners with copies of this book. Below […]

Developmental Disabilities (DD) Drive

Reminder – DD “Tootsie Roll” Drive volunteer sign up

9981 Incarnate Word Knights of Columbus: October 5, 6, 7 and 8 is less than 3 weeks away. The 2017 DD “Tootsie Roll” Drive volunteer sign up has been open for 2 weeks and we still have 70% of the available shifts open! If you haven’t volunteered yet, please respond YES or NO with you […]


Benediction & Adoration at IW

PLEASE join us this Wednesday evening from 8 to 9pm at Incarnate Word parish for Adoration and Benediction in church. The hour begins with Adoration and concludes with Benediction…..including the reciting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, The Litany of the Sacred Heart, The Memorare, etc.   The Benediction begins at 8:40pm and it all takes […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for September 24, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The following text is a collection of quotes from an opinion piece written by the KofC Supreme Knight which appeared recently in The Hill on-line magazine. “Whether Christianity and pluralism survive in the Middle East, or disappear forever, may well lie in the hands of […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for September 17, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? A brother Knight, Kevin Di Camillo of Brooklyn, N.Y., posted an enlightening article in this month’s Columbia (the KofC On-line edition). Can we find wisdom about the vocation of Fatherhood in the bible? Mr. Di Camillo thinks yes and points us to the Old Testament […]

Golf Tournament

“Tee Off for the Kids” Golf Tournament

From Golf Committee chairman Jeff Grotegeers…….. The upcoming Knights of Columbus golf tournament is just around the corner, like this upcoming weekend. As requested in previous e-mails we are putting together two (2) booze carts to be raffled off at the tournament. We are in need of additional bottles of spirits, wine or beer. If […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for September 10, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? A brother Knight, Kevin Di Camillo of Brooklyn, N.Y., posted an enlightening article in this month’s Columbia (the KofC On-line edition). Can we find wisdom about the vocation of Fatherhood in the bible? Mr. Di Camillo thinks yes and points us to the Old Testament […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for September 3, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The Knights of Columbus has a long history of lending a helping hand in times of distress. The Knights Disaster Relief Fund is used to support the work of the local councils through their disaster response efforts, in coordination with emergency agencies and first responders. […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for August 27, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The Knights of Columbus sponsor a web site called Fathers for Good – http://www.fathersforgood.org.  An interesting Q&A interview piece from its archives is: a talk with Catholic author and father of 11 kids, Patrick Madrid.  There are very few things a father can give his […]