IWKnights Annual Family Picnic

Where: Greensfelder Memorial Shelter at Creve Coeur Lake Park
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024 starting at 12 Noon until the food and drinks are gone.
Cost: $14.00 per family
$ 7.00 per individual


The IW Knights supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, beer, soda, & water; Knights cook the food with the Knights wives bring side dishes or desserts. The IWKnights’ entire family is asked to participate; children are welcome; the picnic starts about 12:00 pm and lasts until 6:00 pm (depending upon how hot the weather is).

Participants must contact Family Director Eric Bergmann and be registered no later than October 13th if they are coming and what side dish they are bringing. The Picnic is a social event to get together, share summer experiences, eat good food, and have fun.

    IWKnights Family Picnic Registration Form

    Name Email Phone * I am Registering as a
    Number Attending ( $14 per family or $7 per individual) Names of those attending the Picnic (one name per line): What side dish you are bringing
    How Did You Hear About Us?

    What is your answer?
    7 x 1