
Updates & News from council 9981

Since our last council meeting on Feb. 11, here are some important updates and news.

Knights of Columbus insurance Fraternal Benefit Night on March 10th at 7 PM central time online. The well -respected financial expert Tom Hegna will be speaking about Retirement planning in Paychecks and Playchecks. Please register ahead of time to attend, provide the council number 9981 and name Incarnate Word. If we get 10 people from 9981 to attend, it is fulfills half of our annual insurance goal.

Change in meeting dates for February and March.

To allow our council members to attend the Les Miserables weekly Lent Study on Thursday evenings in Lent, our next two planning meetings and council meeting have been re-scheduled The new dates and locations are:

  • · Planning (officers and directors): Tuesday, Feb. 23 @ 7:00 PM in the Watson Room
  • · Council (all members): Wednesday, Mar. 11 @ 7:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose room (upstairs).
  • · Planning (officers and directors): Tuesday, Mar. 23 @ 7:00 PM in the Watson Room.

Please mark your calendars and reminder to make these dates and take advantage of the Lenten series.

Fish Fry Super Start

Our annual fish fry had a super start on Feb. 12, many thanks to the goodness of God, all the planning and volunteers who contributed to a great night. We had a respectable business taking over 100 orders made by customers online (40%) or using our new on-demand, drive-through service (60% of orders). Great job everyone! Let’s keep the momentum and have an even better 1st Friday of Lent February 19th. Spread the word that the Knights of Columbus fish fry is back at Incarnate Word.

Admission Degree Team needed. As we have several new members joined our council this year, we have not been able yet to host our own admissions degree. The new ceremony is succinct and extols the 3 principles of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity in a public ceremony. Read more about the Admission Degree online, we need 4 men to provide the ceremony. Interested? Let Jim Ressler know if you can help us conduct our degree ceremonies again at Incarnate Word. Knights membership is currently free and can be done quickly with the online JOINUS form.

Council Meeting confusion. My apology for the mix-up last Thursday when the meeting planned in person was change at the last minute to only on Zoom. Since the pandemic shutdown, the scheduling of the Watson room has been uncertain and erratic. For the last 3 months, even with a reservation on the calendar, the Grand Knight hasn’t known of a conflict in scheduling until 30 minutes before when finding the room is occupied. We share our church facilities with the entire parish, and I will do better to double check reservations before each meeting.

Please email or cal me if you need to know more about any of these topics.

Jim Ressler, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus council 9981, Incarnate Word parish
Grand Knight
Home phone: 314-453-9437