Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus?
"The K of C has announced that it gave $185.7 million to charity and donated 76.7 million hours of hands-on service in 2018. Contained in the annual fraternal survey, it demonstrates once again that charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus.
'Regardless of how or who the Knights serve, it’s the chance to help those who are unable to help themselves and to be of assistance to the sick or disabled that is at the heart of what being a Knight is all about,' said Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson.
The Knights’ charitable giving comes from three sources: direct fund raising, the funds raised by thousands of local Knights councils in their communities and from the Knights’ insurance operations.
How the Knights Do It: Fundraisers, a 501(c)(3), Community Service, and Insurance
K of C Councils: The Knights’ charitable activity is carried out by more than 16,000 councils in nine countries, which raise funds for a variety of causes, including efforts to protect and provide relief to persecuted Christians, pro-life initiatives and disaster aid and recovery. Council members also donate volunteer time to helping their parishes, communities, and organizations such as Special Olympics and Habitat for Humanity, as well as Knights-specific efforts such as 'Coats for Kids,' 'Food for Families' and scholarship programs.
Knights of Columbus councils raise money through a broad spectrum of activities that include pancake breakfasts, raffles, auctions, tank pulls, rodeos, and its well-known Tootsie Roll drives. Others who benefit from these efforts include local pregnancy support centers, seminarians and veterans and service members seeking healing on the Knights’ annual pilgrimage to Lourdes with the U.S. Military Archdiocese.
Knights of Columbus Charities
Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. is the organization’s 501(c)(3) entity, which enables members and others to contribute to local, regional, national, and international Knights of Columbus charitable initiatives. One hundred percent of all donations go directly to support the cause identified by the donor.
Knights of Columbus Insurance
Knights of Columbus Insurance sells a portfolio of insurance and annuities products to its members—an outgrowth of a system of support instituted by Venerable Father J. McGivney in 1882 when he founded the Knights to help families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
The highly rated Fortune 1000 insurance company has a force of 1,207 agents who are also Knights. Once the company’s revenue is used to cover operational costs and refunds (dividends) to our members, the remaining profits are directed to charity.
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternity of Catholic men striving to better themselves & our world by building a bridge back to faith, assisting the sick and disabled, and protecting those who can’t protect themselves--whether they are next door or around the world.- Join us today".
You can find the link to the entire article in the KofC.org web site or at www.IWKnights.com/bulletin or at facebook.com/IWknights9981 and NOW on Twitter at twitter.com/IwKnights.
Links Related to this week’s column:
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Click here for the article.
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