
Infancy Narrative Concert–ON TONIGHT!

Hello All!

The concert is on—please park in the front lot! Incarnate Word, 13416 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017 | 314-576-5366 | parish,

TONIGHT, Saturday, January 12th at 7pm. Xi Zhang, violist with the St. Louis Symphony, and my wife Shen Wen, piano faculty at St. Louis University, are volunteering their talents playing to raise money to feed the hungry.

Xi brought to my attention her desire to work with Music for Food, and the Knights of Columbus have graciously offered to help collect food and money donations.

Food donations will benefit Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity Food Pantry, and money donations will go to Caring and Sharing in Wentzville. Please make checks payable to Music for Food and donate before the concert.

On the first half of the concert Xi and Shen will play Karl Stamitz’s Concerto for viola and piano. On the second half of the concert Chuck Neff will read the account of the birth of Jesus, the flight to Egypt, and the slaughter of the Holy Innocents from the very Good News of Matthew.

At six points throughout the reading, Xi and Shen will play original musical reflections. I have written these reflections hoping to help us focus on the gospel during the Christmas season.

I hope that you are able to attend what will be beautiful music and a noble and good cause!


Joe Tyldesley
