
Please RSVP: Ordination Reception

In charity, please forward to the Knights of Council 9981:

Dear Brother Knights,

Since childhood, the Knights of Columbus has always been an organization that I have looked up to. Knighthood in the Order has been one of my greatest honors. The strong sense of charity and service Knighthood instilled in me through our council activities has been a strong factor in my discernment into and throughout the diaconate formation process.

As you have been an important part of my formation process, I hope you will be part of the celebration of this milestone of God’s providence. I will be assisting at my first Mass at 5pm on June 8th, with a reception to follow in Bollinger Hall. Please use the information in the first flyer contained in this email (or the following link) to RSVP for the reception. Your RSVP will help us ensure an appropriate amount of food is ordered.

The second flyer contains information regarding the Ordination Mass and my first Mass assisting as a deacon, if you are interested in attending those or watching them online.

Thank you for being an instrument of grace in my life. I look forward to serving you as a deacon at Incarnate Word.

God Bless!
Not Yet (But Almost) SK Deacon Scott Sparks


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