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IWKnights Corner for March 3, 2024

 — Third Sunday of Lent

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? 

Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus 

From the Desk of: Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori. “I recently traded in a car.  It was reliable and only 8 years old, but it had a significant problem: blind spots. Form did not follow function in that car’s design.  Its sight lines were terrible. Pulling out into traffic and changing lanes were dangerous.  My priest secretaries compared driving the car to driving a Sherman tank.

My old car wasn’t alone in having blind spots. We all have them — personal traits or tendencies that are obvious to family, friends and colleagues but not to ourselves. Some are harmless, like gestures or ways of speaking; others are more serious.  One of the worst, and most common, blind spots is hypocrisy.  It is all too easy to put oneself on a high moral plane, above everyone else, without taking account of one’s own moral failings. We may even criticize others for the very things we are prone to do.

There are various ways to discover one’s blind spots.  Some seek feedback from colleagues by submitting to a ‘360-degree assessment.’  Others seek professional counseling. Helpful as such things can be, they provide an incomplete picture.  We are left wanting more.

Where can we turn to truly know ourselves?  Scripture is a good place to start.  The Psalms, for example, warn against presuming we are better than we are and flattering ourselves so that we no longer perceive our guilt (Ps 36).  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us to take the plank out of our own eye before removing a splinter from a neighbor’s eye (Mt 7:5).

We find, too, that Jesus knows what is in the human heart. Conversing with the Samaritan woman at the well, he knew both her history and her capacity for discipleship (Jn 4:4-29). Healing the man with the withered hand, he knew the venom of his adversaries even when they didn’t voice it (Lk 6:6-8).  As John says, ‘Jesus … did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well’ (Jn 2:24-25).

The ancient Delphic oracle said, ‘Know thyself,’ but the Church says to us, ‘Know Jesus Christ.’  The Son of God who assumed our human nature reveals us to ourselves and shows us who we really are — that is, who we are in the eyes of God.  Moreover, Jesus’ revealing light is not the harsh glare of a human exposé, but rather the gentle gaze of divine mercy by which we are encouraged to make steady progress in virtue.

As we begin a new year, we might resolve to try to become more aware of our blind spots — not merely those things that amuse or irritate others, but those moral failings that are out of focus.  Let us submit ourselves anew to the one who knows us better than we know ourselves and who, thankfully, loves us more than we could ever love ourselves.

The ancient Delphic oracle said, “Know thyself,” but the Church says to us, “Know Jesus Christ.”  The Son of God who assumed our human nature reveals us to ourselves and shows us who we really are — that is, who we are in the eyes of God.

How can we tap into Christ’s revealing light? First is a daily examination of conscience, a prayerful look at our conduct through the lens of the commandments and beatitudes.  This daily exercise helps us discern not only our blatant faults but also those failings that are harder for us to see.  Second is regular reception of the sacrament of reconciliation.
Confessing our sins and receiving God’s grace requires us to be honest with ourselves, so that we can be honest before God and others.  Such honesty ensures that we will never take God’s mercy for granted.  Third is intimacy with the Eucharistic Lord. When we participate worthily and actively in Mass and spend time in adoration, the Lord’s heart speaks to our hearts. In his light, we see light! (Ps 36:10).

One final thought: The more we eliminate our blind spots, the better equipped we will be to live our commitment as Knights of Columbus — to be true Knights of charity, unity and fraternity.”

The link to this article can be found in the Friday Flocknotes, IWKnights9981.com/bulletin, facebook.com/IWknights9981 or twitter.com/IWknights

Blind Spots

To truly know ourselves, replacing hypocrisy with humility, our hearts must be open to Christ’s light and grace

By Knights of Columbus Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori  (1/1/2024)
Click here to read the article

Rack-in-the-Back . . . . . . . .

Please shop our book and CD Rack-in-the-Back, located in the vestibule leading to the rear parking lot..  Suggested Donation for the CD's is $3.00/title - books on the top shelf are FREE....including copies of the Prayer Book of St Joseph.  

We would like to talk with you about becoming an IW Knight.  Please visit us on-line at our web site at www.IWknights9981.com/AboutUs.  Or call Rob Schultz at: (314) 973-2373. 
