Bulletin Columns Catholic Church

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) For June 23, 2019

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus?

"Many years ago, I heard one of my young sons speak rudely to his mother, and something about his tone and attitude struck me as oddly familiar.  It sounded a bit like a sharp, testy retort that might come from my lips after a stressful day at work.  Even as I corrected my son for his behavior, I thought: “Did he get that from me?”  If so, I resolved, I’d better start setting a better example.

Here are five ways that you, by your example, can help your sons to become good fathers.

Be a father who loves their mother.  Good parenting begins with a good marriage.  Show your children what a true Catholic gentleman is by how you treat your wife...

Be a father who prays.  Real men pray, early and often.  You are a spiritual leader of your family.  Pray with your children while they are young...

Be a responsible father.  As a husband and father, be attentive to your many duties.  Demonstrate for your sons a strong work ethic and practice integrity in all things...

Be a father who is present to his family.  Providing for your family can take you away from them more than you would like...

Be a father who knows he’s not perfect.  The best role model you can present is that of a man who is struggling to become a saint.  Your sons need to know that the habits and virtues you teach them are not easy to attain...

Today, when my married sons visit us with their families, I often marvel that they turned out so well, in spite of my own failings.  But I also like to think their good character was formed at least in part by my efforts to practice virtue as a husband and father, and I take pride in the they've become."

The above article is part of a piece which recently appeared in the Columbia magazine's "Fathers For Good" column.  The author is Gerald Korson, a veteran Catholic journalist and a Knight who lives in Indiana.  You can find the link to the  entire piece in the KofC.org web site at www.IWKnights.com/bulletin or at facebook.com/IWknights9981 and NOW on Twitter at twitter.com/IwKnights.

Links Related to this week’s column:

      By  Gerald Korson - Columbia Magazine (6/1/2019)

    • The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, the saying goes. When it comes to raising children, you are that tree, especially for your sons. For better or for worse, your example — as a man, as a husband, as a father — will influence what kind of man, husband and father your boys will become....


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