Bulletin Columns Catholic Church

“IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for August 4, 2019

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus?

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse

"Each month, Archbishop William Lori – Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus – selects a brief passage from the Gospel reading of one of the Sunday Masses of the upcoming month.   Archbishop Lori shares a brief reflection on the passage and issues a challenge for Knights to live for the upcoming month.

The next month, men undertaking the challenge as a group gather and share their experiences living the challenge.  The Supreme Chaplain’s Monthly Challenge is ideally done during monthly Knights of Columbus meetings, but can be done in a separate group or individually.

But even if you are not a Knight, perhaps you and your family or a group of friends might want to take the challenge.

The Supreme Chaplain’s Monthly Challenge provides any of us the opportunity to take direct, concrete action to grow in our faith and help family or friends to do so as well.

The Lord said to her in reply, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.  There is need of only one thing.  Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.' (Gospel for July 21, Lk 10:41-42)

Imagine yourself in Martha’s shoes.  While your seemingly lazy sister Mary sits at the feet of Jesus, you are the one preparing and serving the food, setting the table and making things happen.  And then, all of a sudden, Jesus chides you and compares you unfavorably to your sister.  Jesus’ words can strike us as harsh.  Wasn’t Martha doing a good thing by serving our Lord?  Yet if we are honest, we recognize that it’s all too easy to get caught up in busyness doing good things and all the while miss the opportunity to encounter Christ.  By God’s grace, may we hear these tough words from Jesus, resist this tendency to busyness and strive to choose 'the better part.'

The Challenge by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori:  This month, I challenge you to spend five extra minutes sitting before the Lord before or after Sunday Mass.  Second, I challenge you to participate in the Faith in Action Sacramental Gifts program or pray for those receiving the sacraments, that they might choose 'the better part.'

Questions for Reflection:  If it were you with Jesus that evening, would you have been more likely to be a 'Martha' or a 'Mary'?  What does it mean to choose “the better part”? How did spending a few extra moments with the Lord before or after Mass affect your encounter with Christ in the Eucharist?"

You can find the link to the entire piece in the KofC.org web site or at www.IWKnights.com/bulletin or at facebook.com/IWknights9981 and NOW on Twitter at twitter.com/IwKnights.

Links Related to this week’s column:

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS > Building the Domestic Church > Supreme Chaplain's Monthly Challenge
By Archbishop William Lori (7/2019)
Each month, Archbishop William Lori – Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus – selects a brief passage from the Gospel reading of one of the Sunday Masses of the upcoming month.

Archbishop Lori shares a brief reflection on the passage and issues a challenge for men to live for the upcoming month.......

Click here for the article.


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