A Call to Witness
Brother Knights,
Saturday, April 9th is the IW Day at 40 Days for Life.
One of the things we can do as KNIGHTS is support our parish effort at Planned Parenthood on April 9th. between 7AM – 7PM.
The forces of Satan have been very happy in America for the last 15 months. All of us have a sacred duty to stop them.
Do not leave it for someone else to do. Step-Up. Do it.
Witness on the sidewalk for these most vulnerable of our citizens.
Witness for the moms who need our help as they face tough decisions.
See the sign-up online below or sign the sheets in the back of church.
Our parish is only asked to do this twice a year. If you have never witnessed before, DO IT this year. If you have before, DO IT again.
Your presence has an IMPACT.
Sign up HERE
I would encourage you to read the words of Fr. Larry Richards attached.
Rob Schultz
Defeating Liberalism Daily
St.Michael the Archangel