Here are the Family Events that the IW Knights sponsor and support every year.....

IWKnights 5th Sunday Mass and Brunch
Location: | Incarnate Word Church & Bollinger Hall (Lower Church Hall) |
Date/Time: | Every 5th Sunday of the Month Starting with the 8:45 am Mass. |
Cost: | Free |
The Knights and their wives can attend 8:45 Mass; Knights provide the Lectors & Gift Bearers; the Knights Honor Guard is present for Mass. After Mass Knights and their wives go to the Lower Church Hall for Bagels/Donuts or Breakfast Dishes.
The Knights set up the tables and provide the coffee, tea, juice, milk and the bagels & donuts. On at least one 5th Sunday the Ladies Auxiliary (Knights wives) & other wives prepare breakfast dishes. This events provides, spiritual, nutritional, & social nourishment.

Valentine Sweethart Breakfast
Location: | Lower Church Hall of IW Parish. |
Date/Time: | Sunday before Valentine's Day or on February 14th (if 2/14 is on a Sunday) at 10:30am (following the 8:45am Mass). |
Cost: | $32.00 per couple |
The annual Knights of Columbus Valentine Sweetheart Breakfast is held on the Sunday before Valentine's Day or on February 14th (if 2/14 is on a Sunday) at 10:30am (following the 8:45am Mass). The event will take place this year at Patrick’s Restaurant at Westport Plaza. Cost is $32.00 per couple.
Call or Email Eric Bergmann at 636-532-7017 or [email protected] by February 10th for reservations or questions..........

IWKnights' Annual Family Picnic
Location: | Greensfelder Memorial Shelter at Creve Coeur Park. |
Date/Time: | October 20th, 2024. Starting at 12pm – until the food & drinks are gone. |
Cost: | $14 per family or $7 per individual. |
The IW Knights supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, bratwurst, beer, soda, & water; Knights cook the food with the Knights wives bring side dishes or desserts. The IW Knights’ entire family asked to participate; children welcome; picnic starts about Noon and lasts until 6 pm (depending upon how hot the weather is). Participants must notify the Family Director if they are coming and what side dish they are bringing. The Picnic is a social event to get together, share summer experiences, eat good food, and have fun.

IWKnights Annual Family Social......
Location: | Lower Level of Incarnate Word Church |
Date/Time: | Saturday in December or January after 5:00pm mass. |
Cost: | Free. |
Details coming soon.