Our KofC council is active in a number of areas.
Our most important event, the Fish Fry, produces the largest slice of our revenues. We are able to spread these funds over a significant number of charities.
We also sponsor a golf tournament, hold BBQs, organize and help the Red Cross gather blood, raise funds with a “Tootsie Roll” drive for people with developmental disabilities. The council sponsors youth activities, specifically a free-throw contest and an essay contest. In 2012 we will initiate a new patriotic event. Our council is a leader in raising funds for Pro-Life activities – we launched the Greater St. Louis Baby Bottle Brigade with our “pilot” Baby Bottle Campaign.
Our council appreciates the interest our parish community takes in our events. We thank you for your support!
For a List of our EVENTS see the “Council Events” drop-down link ABOVE on the Gold navigation bar.