The 4th Pillar of Knighthood is Patriotism Veterans Day 2019 _____________________________ IW Knights of Columbus are pleased to express our sincere appreciation to all American Armed Forces Veterans Remember D-Day …6 June 1944 Battle of Iwo Jima Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima island February 23, 1945 We remember those […]
IWKnights’ Christmas Social
To All Council & Ladies Auxiliary Members, The IW Knights along with the Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a Christmas Dinner Social on Saturday, Dec 7th, 2019 after the 5 PM Mass in the Lower Church Hall. The Knights will be providing the meat entrees and beverages (wine, beer, soda, egg nog, water, and coffee). […]
IW – Adoration Parking
Adorers, The Adoration parking spots will not be available on the following dates: – Friday, October 26 from 6-9 pm. Please park in the handicap spots by the rectory, as the entire parking lot will be closed off for Trunk or Treat. – Saturday, November 9 from noon-midnight for the Uptown Hoedown. Thank you, Incarnate […]
Blood Drive Donor Sign-ups
To All Council Members, We will be collecting signatures from all of the parishioners after all Masses this coming weekend, October 12 & 13, 2019 for the upcoming Blood Drive on Sunday, October 20, 2019. There will be clip boards with donor sign up sheets on the table in the vestibule. So after communion, go […]
UNPLANNED – showing at IW on Oct. 1st at 7:00 pm
The Incarnate Word Pro-Life committee will be showing ‘Unplanned’ at Incarnate Word on Tuesday, Oct. 1st at 7:00 pm. Hope you can join us and help spread the word! Below is the bulletin announcement that was in this past weekend’s bulletin. UNPLANNED, THE MOVIE: ‘Unplanned’, the movie about Abby Johnson’s journey from working as a […]
KNIGHTS of Incarnate Word…40 Days for Life is Saturday…Please sign-up
Time for Action is…NOW Incarnate Word Adopt-A-Day at Planned Parenthood is this Saturday, October 5th from 7AM – 7PM Please pick ONE HOUR to witness with other parishioners in front of Planned Parenthood on Forest Park. Do not wait for others to do it. Just Do it. To all KNIGHTS of Incarnate Word #9981 Our […]
Holy Spirit Assembly: Honor Guard Regalia and New Uniform Decision
RonKrentz1 Burleski
Admissions (First) Degree on Tuesday
To All Members, On Tuesday, August 27 an Admissions (First) degree exemplification will take place in the Watson Room at 7:00pm. We would like to have as many members attend this degree to show support to the new members that will be joining our council. We will need 2-3 volunteers to act as aides to […]
Fellow Knight Robert H. Conner
To All Council Members, Brother Robert H. Conner, DDS, went to his eternal reward a day or so ago. His passing was announced at Holy Masses this morning. Brother Robert H. Conner was a Charter Member of Incarnate Word Council 9981 and enjoyed his First Degree with a number of us, including Charles Stanley. Robert […]
Unplanned movie coming out on Blu-Ray, DVD, & Digital!
Hey fellow IWKnights and families, Just to let you know . . . The Movie Unplanned is slated to be released in most stores on August 13th while others are releasing the movie on August 15th. The movie is a powerful pro-life film depicting the true story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director […]