About the IWKnights For the Good of the Order….. Uncategorized

Sir Knight Gregory Ballinger Funeral Arrangements

Dear IWKnights, Ladies Auxiliary, etc. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Brother Sir Knight Gregory Ballinger. Greg was a member of IWKnights the Holy Spirit Assembly #3588 of the Knights of Columbus  He was very active in our council and the assembly. Here are the funeral arrangements for Gregory: Visitation will be […]

About the IWKnights For the Good of the Order…..

Sir Knight Eric Bergmann Funeral Arrangements

Dear IWKnights, Ladies Auxiliary, etc. Last Saturday (August 13, 2024),  we were notified of the passing of our fellow IWKnight Sir Knight Eric Bergman. He has served as the Family Director for the past few years for our council and chairman of the Charity Committee for the Holy Spirit Assembly. He was very active in […]