Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 30, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Last week, we published the first of five questions in a Q&A published within the Knights on-line magazine, the Columbia.  “The interviewee was Professor Ryszard Legutko who spent the first four decades of his life in communist-controlled Poland.  Like many, he came to idealize the […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 23, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Born in 1949, Ryszard Legutko spent the first four decades of his life in communist-controlled Poland.  Like many, he came to idealize the freedom and political structure of liberal democratic societies, particularly the United States.  Following the collapse of communism in 1989 and Poland’s democratic […]

Prayer Requests

Father Ralph Wright OSB needs your prayers immediately

From IWKnights Church Director Steve Dickhut…….. Hi – for those of you who have not heard- Father Ralph had a serious accident yesterday and is in need of your prayers. The only explanation I have is printed below. If I receive additional message today I will pass it along.   “This morning Fr. Ralph (Wright) […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 16, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? “Helping to form leaders who will be ready to share the Gospel as missionary disciples, while examining insights from new research, fresh communications strategies and best practices is the goal of the Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America, which was […]


Fatima Events for July

Hello Brother Knights, First, a big thanks to Eric, Chris, Steve, Barry and all who worked so hard to have a great K of C picnic. Everything was fantastic! Second, there are two events that will occur this week at IW to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mary’s appearance to the children of Fatima. On […]


2017 Golf Tournament

To All Council Members, The council’s 2017 golf tournament is scheduled for September 16, 2017 at the ‘Links of Dardenne’. The golf committee will be putting together booze buckets to be raffled off at the golf tournament. We are requesting all council members to help in this event by providing a bottle of your favorite […]

Bulletin Columns

Bulletin Insert for July 9, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? A PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA Thursday, July 13th is the 100th anniversary of the 3rd apparition of Our Lady of Fatima which began on May 13, 1917.  In May of this year the Church celebrated the canonization of Blessed Francesco Marto and Blessed […]

Bulletin Columns

Bulletin Insert for July 2, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The Knights of Columbus are not only active in the United States but also in a number of counties throughout the globe – including all of the North America counties. “The Knights were established in Mexico in 1905 and by the 1920s there was a […]

Bulletin Columns

Bulletin Insert for June 25, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The following is a Father’s Day article by TODD H. AHERN an associate professor in the behavioral neuroscience program and psychology department at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., and a member of Father Michael J. McGivney Council 10705 in New Haven.  He and his wife, […]