
5th Sunday Mass & Potluck

To All Members, This coming Sunday, 10-29, is the 5th Sunday of the month and we will be gathering at the 8:45am Mass as a Council to celebrate the Mass with each other. The Honor Guard will be present at the Mass representing the Knights of Columbus. The Ladies Auxiliary will be hosting a pot […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for October 22, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Carl Anderson, released the following statement earlier this month relating to the HHS Mandate Issue. “The first right enumerated in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights is freedom of religion.  Today’s action by the Trump […]


KNIGHTS of IW…….Cool Things for YOU

First, Do not forget… Friday October 20th. Feed the Hungry and Homeless at St.Peter and Paul 4:30 – 6:30 PM https://iwknights9981.com/iwknights-incarnate-word-parish-feed-homeless-in-soulard/ Second….If you are unable to be at Peter and Paul, Please see below for Set-up/Tear Down for the Blood Drive on Saturday, 21 October. See below for times. To all KNIGHTS of Incarnate Word […]


IW Knights…Thursday 26 October …Unloading Knights’ Storage Container

Unloading and relocating of KNIGHTS Equipment and Supplies. Projected Date – Thursday 26 October beginning at 6PM. The Incarnate Word Lower Church Hall is now FINISHED With the Lower Church Hall now finished, we need to relocate our equipment and supplies from the Storage Container on the lower lot into the two new Knights storage […]


Blood Drive Donor Sign-ups

To All, We will be collecting signatures from the parishioners after all Masses this coming weekend, 10-14 & 10-15, 2017 for the upcoming Blood Drive on Saturday, October 21, 2017. There will be clip boards with donor sign up sheets on the table in the vestibule. So after communion, go back to the vestibule and […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for October 15, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Pope Francis received Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in a private audience at the Vatican on Oct. 6.  At that audience, Anderson discussed with the Holy Father the Knights’ many initiatives including the Knights of Columbus’ work on behalf of Christians at risk in the Middle […]


Celebrating the 100th Aniversary of Fatima

Hi Ladies and Brother Knights, Three events are available to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Mary’s last appearance (Oct 13, 1917) to the 3 shephard children in Fatima.  On that date, the Miracle of the Sun occurred to prove that the apparations were real.  It was witnessed by tens of thousands of believers and non-believers […]


Knights of COLUMBUS….honored for a Courageous patron

Believe not in the insane, imbecilic pablum-blathering of unintelligent liberals. Christopher Columbus was a great man of courage. We need millions more just like him. Rob Schultz ……. As for peoples of what is now North America, their ancestry is far more complex than first believed. In National Geographic in 2013, Brian Handwerk wrote: “Nearly […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for October 8, 2017

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? The following text is a collection of quotes from an opinion piece written by the KofC Supreme Knight which appeared recently in The Hill on-line magazine. “Whether Christianity and pluralism survive in the Middle East, or disappear forever, may well lie in the hands of […]