
Why Adoration & Benediction at IW?

Adoration resources: From Bryan Hewing https://bigbfiles.wordpress.com/2012/07/23/adoration/ From Fr.Michael Renner,  Pastor of Epiphany of Our Lord Parish in St. Louis, MO We must increase our Eucharistic Adoration


Live coverage of KofC Convention from Baltimore, MD

  Experience the Knights of Columbus 136th Supreme Convention live from Baltimore! Simply visit kofc.org for news and photos. You also can check out our Convention pages for a close-up look at everything that’s going on. And don’t forget to follow us on social media. Live video coverage will be provided by EWTN, Salt + […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for August 5, 2018

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? From the KofC Columbia On-Line Edition – the monthly article by KofC Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop William E. Lori. Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori “ON OCT. 14, Pope Francis will canonize Blessed Pope Paul VI.  Pope Paul was elected to the Chair of Peter in […]


Picnic Reminder

The Picnic is only 18 Days away! Location: Creve Coeur Park at the Greensfelder Memorial Shelter. Date: Sunday, August 19th, 2018. Starting at 12pm –until the food anddrinks are gone. Cost:  $12 per family or $6 per individual.   Come enjoy a picnic with your fellow Knights and families. Invite someone you know that may be interested in joining the Knights of Columbus.  Brats, Burgers, Hot Dogs, […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 29, 2018

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Paul Marretti (Photo Courtesy of Virginia Special Olympics) Click on image for full-sized version. “As a ‘Founding Champion of the World Games’, the Knights of Columbus has supported the games since the first Special Olympics in 1968, donating more than $600 million to programs for […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 22, 2018

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? Want to put your faith in action?  Eager to give back and serve your community?  Then you are ready to join the Knights of Columbus. Since July 1, eligible Catholic men in the United States and Canada* can now join the Knights of Columbus online, in a simple, streamlined process that […]

Bulletin Columns

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 15, 2018

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? From the Knights of Columbus web site: “2017 was a record-setting year for Knights of Columbus charitable work with an unprecedented $185.6 million in donations and 75.6 million hours of service provided worldwide. The monetary value of K of C’s service hours is valued at […]


IWKNIGHTS.com Website issue

As you may have noticed on the IWKnights main website…. other than the top menu on IWknights.com, that’s the rest of the website doesn’t show up and instead says that it has an internal server error message. The reason for that is that that part of the website hosted by UKNIGHT INTERACTIVE and apparently is […]

Bulletin Columns Catholic Church

IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for July 7, 2018

Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? K of C field agent Gerardo Gautier delivers hot meals to a family in need. • The massive Centennial Tree in Ponce is toppled to the ground as a result of hurricane winds. Warriors to Lourdes With this column we conclude the review of a […]

Catholic Church Religious Liberty

How to celebrate July 4th the Catholic way

On July 4, 1776, a Catholic signed the Declaration of Independence. Charles Carroll of Maryland was committed to this new nation. And since then, American Catholics have been building. We’ve built churches and schools, hospitals and neighborhoods. Even when many people believed that a Catholic could never be a true citizen of the United States, […]