The IWKnights are conducting the 2025 Free Throw Championship on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 at 6:00pm in the IW Parish Kent Center. All boys & girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of the 2025 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. One boy and one girl in each age […]
Author: IWKnights of Columbus
Fifth Sunday 12/29
Hello, On Sunday, December 29, all Council members and their families along with Ladies Auxiliary are invited to gather at the 8:45 Mass and celebrate Mass together. After Mass, please join us in the Bollinger lower church hall and enjoy some fellowship along with bagels, donuts, coffee and juice. If able to attend the fellowship […]
Tomorrow December 15th is……………….
Gaudete Sunday Latin for rejoice It is also the third Sunday of the month – Third Sunday Rosary for vocations and personal intentions. What: Third Sunday Rosary for Vocations Where: Incarnate Word Church When: Sunday December 15th after 8:45 mass (@ 9:30 – 9:35
IWKnights Christmas Ham Promotion is CANCELLED!
It is with deep regret that the IWKnights of Columbus Council #9981 will no longer be able to participate in the Christmas Ham Promotion from this point forward as our request to conduct the promotion like we did in the past few years was denied by the parish office. The reasons why were given by […]
Tomorrow is the 20th, time for Third Sunday Rosary for Vocations.
Before you head over to Creve Coeur Park for the KofC Family picnic, come by Incarnate Word Church @ 9:35 for Third Sunday Rosary for Vocations and special intentions (pray for the rejection of Amendment 3). What: Third Sunday Rosary for Vocations and Special Intentions When: October 20th @9:35 (after 8:45 mass) Where: Incarnate Word […]
IWKnights of Columbus Family Picnic
SONY DSC When: Sunday, October 20th from 12:30 to 4 PM -Rain or Shine//One or a thousand attendees Location: Greensfelder Shelter Creve Coeur Park 2143 Creve Coeur Mill Road Maryland Heights, MO 6314 Food and Drink Provided by the Council Burgers/Brats/Water/Soda/Beer Individuals and Families need to bring a side dish: […]
Blood Drive – Need Volunteers on this Friday & Saturday, 10/11 & 10/12 Blood Drive
To All Council Members, This coming Saturday, October 12, there will be a blood drive at Incarnate Word. We are in need of volunteers to tear down, set up and to clean up the Bollinger lower church hall this coming Friday, 10/11 and Saturday, 10/12, 2024. We will need volunteers for the following; Friday Evening […]
Blood Drive Donor Sign-ups
To All Council Members, We will be collecting signatures from the parishioners after all Masses this coming weekend, October 5 & 6, 2024 for the upcoming Blood Drive on Saturday, October 12, 2024. There will be clipboards with donor sign up sheets on the table in the vestibule. So after communion, go back to the […]
Third Sunday Rosary reminder Sept. 15th
Reminder! This coming Sunday is the third Sunday of the month, time for the Third Sunday Rosary for vocations and special intentions. Besides praying for vocations to our faith, there are only two Third Sundays before the November National and local elections. I’m sure everyone has their own personal intentions for this event. Come join […]
Suspicious Email WARNING
Good Evening Everyone! I want to give everyone a heads up and a warning that if you get an email from any IWKnight with the subject line “Privileged and Confidential FYI” (see screenshot to the right……..DO NOT OPEN IT!!! You need to do the following: Do not open the email. It likely has malicious software, […]