This morning, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, Father Michael McGivney of New Haven, Connecticut, was declared Blessed Michael McGivney. We rejoice! His Feast day is Aug 13. #FrMcGivney #KofC Fittingly, McGivney died of cholera during a pandemic at age 38 in 1890, 130 years ago. In 2015, a baby was cured of life […]
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From Fr. Gerard at St. Louis Abbey: Finally, Fr. Ralph is back home. He still has those compassionate eyes and that inimitable crooked smile. Please click on video below to view Fr. Ralph’s 20 second message. Fr. Gerard Wednesday, August 23, 8:10 p.m. Saint Louis Abbey
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Good Morning IWKnights, It is my pleasure to announce that the newsletters are now online….ALL of the newsletters, including the current newsletter for December 2016 and going all the way back to and including January 2012! A huge and grateful thanks to Stan Mengwasser, who provided the missing newsletters needed to complete the newsletters archive for […]
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