We are the IW Knights of Columbus Council #9981. Our home parish is Incarnate Word - located in Chesterfield, Missouri.
If you are visiting us - here are the directions:
From the East, the IW entrance is located on Olive Blvd just one (1) block West of the Olive Blvd exit off Route (Hwy) 141.
If you are coming from the West, the entrance to the parish grounds is on the south-side of Olive Blvd approximately one (1) block East of the Olive Blvd and Woods Mill Road intersection. The parish rectory and entrance is just east of the Steak and Shake restaurant.
Our general meeting is held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, in the Lower Church Hall in the Watson Room. You can find the entrance - through a tunnel - on the northside of the rear parking lot.
Our contact information is:
Incarnate Word Knights of Columbus 9981
13416 Olive Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
(314) 576-5366 -- ext. 10 (phone)
(314) 576-2046 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
Contacting the IWKnights Feedback Form
Knights of Columbus BABY BOTTLE BRIGADE information:
Baby Bottle Brigade information
Rob Schultz - (314) 973-2373
[email protected]
Steve Dickhut - (314) 409-6774
[email protected]
Eric Bergman - (314) 614-4288
[email protected]
Stan Mengwasser - (314) 469-1713
[email protected]
David Goetz - (314) 740-5491
[email protected]
For information - Brigade e-mail address:
[email protected]

YouTube Channel
.........................Last Updated on January 13, 2016.