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IWKnights Corner (Bulletin Insert) for August 18, 2019
Did you know this about the IW Knights of Columbus? This past week the Knights of Columbus held the Order’s 137th Supreme Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Supreme Knight Carl Anderson spoke to fellow members in his speech during the business session. Supreme Knight Anderson highlighted the achievements from the past fraternal year and announced […] Website issue
As you may have noticed on the IWKnights main website…. other than the top menu on, that’s the rest of the website doesn’t show up and instead says that it has an internal server error message. The reason for that is that that part of the website hosted by UKNIGHT INTERACTIVE and apparently is […]
Memorial Day Color Guard
To All, Dear fellow Brothers, I am looking for one or two volunteers that would like to participate in a VFW Color Guard ceremony at four different cemeteries that contain the graves of veterans that have given their lives for our freedom. My brother belongs to a local VFW hall in West Alton, they are […]